Post 7: Changes to my study programme


Hello Today I will talk more about my career!

As I have already mentioned, I am studying Psychology at the University of Chile, I am in the 2nd year of my career, I started studying in 2020, so I have not been able to have classes in person.

Currently the career is 10 semesters, but lasts approximately 5 to 6 years, the curriculum ranges from very general branches on the social sciences to introduce to psychology, in 2nd year onwards know much more psychology career

The academic load, especially the readings, every month there are very intense weeks with evaluations, that is something that I would change since it only generates more stress and anxiety in us. About the curriculum, personally I would like to change the organization of elective courses, because I have heard many problems with that, leaving students without the courses they want.

As I mentioned, I have not had classes presecial, so I do not know what infrastructure changes could be made, however, I would like it to be closer to my home, I live in Maipu and the university is in Ñuñoa, obviously this is impossible hahaha.

I don't know much about the technology of the career, the most I know is how important the computer is for us, especially in pandemics.

I like the teaching method quite a lot, especially with professors who maintain a dynamic dictation, and participatory, especially teachers who take into consideration the stress of us.


  1. Hello, I agree that the reading load can sometimes be very high, especially when we are in the evaluation period

  2. I totally agree!. The weeks of evaluations get exhausting with the readings.


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