Post 5: My future job

Hello, I am back after a short break. I have been busy with my studies and a bit anxious. 

Today I will tell you about the job I would like to have in the future. My ideal job would be working as a psychologist, community or clinical. If it is community I would like to be outdoors, in close contact with people and be in the street. If it is a clinic it would be in an office that has a nice view and is comfortable. 

I would like to travel for my work to learn new things about psychology, and I would also like to travel on my vacations, to get to know new places and people that will help me to be a good professional. 

The salary depends on the area I work in, at the moment I haven't thought much about it, but I hope it will be a salary that can help me to live. 

I am currently studying psychology, I am in my second year, so I have not yet decided on an area, but I am more interested in clinical and community psychology. I like social work since I was a child and I feel a connection with it. And I like the clinic because it is very important for people since they are children, because it is a help that we give to them and their environment. 


  1. Your interest in helping people and children is very admirable. I hope you do very well :) regards!

  2. Hi pame, i hope you can work in whatever you want and travel a lot! <3

  3. Hi Pame, I think it's great that you want to do social work from childhood!


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