Post 6: Postgraduate


Hello again! I'm back after a short break I had, however, that break was to catch up with my studies. 

In the future, when I finish my undergraduate degree, I would like to specialize and do a postgraduate course, I am still not sure what course it would be since I don't have much information and there is still a long way to go, if there is still the world hahaha. I am interested in a postgraduate course in psychosocial and community psychology because I really like this area for the children and adolescents 

I would love to study abroad, especially in Spain, it is one of my big goals to study and live for a while in that country, for example, in the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid or the University of Barcelona, at least those are the ones I have located for the moment.

I would like to study in person there, it would not be the same to study at a distance being in Chile or anywhere else, I feel that I would not learn everything I should, and my motivation would be very low, I really would not like it and I would not choose to do a postgraduate degree. In person I could know different places, meet new people, the culture, their tastes, historical places, and be able to learn in a better way to be a good professional.

If it was not in Spain I would like to do a postgraduate course in Argentina, Mexico or Colombia, honestly I know almost nothing about their universities, but I would like to study in those countries too, and in case I could not go abroad I would choose to continue studying at the University of Chile, the University Diego Portales or USACH.


  1. Spain is an attractive destination to study!

  2. it's true, we still have a long way to go. I hope you find the right university! Regards.

  3. Hi pame, community psychology is very nice, and I am sure that in any university you do it, you will do very well.


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