
Post 8: English Language Challenges

  Hello everyone, here I am again! My experience has not been easy the truth, many times it has been bad and instead of motivating me the opposite happens to me, there are times that happens when you compare yourself with classmates and realize that they know a lot, it influences the school we come from, how we were taught, often if we were in a municipal or private school. I like the use of blogs, I feel that it is a good way to practice every week and it is something that I had never done outside the university. I think it helps a lot to be able to learn and write better. I need to improve the way I speak because many times I speak too fast in English and for that reason what I say is not understood I need to learn to pronounce the words better and also to take English to my daily life, using it often is something that is hard for me, many things I forget with time when I stop using it, then it is stressful and overwhelming. I think for that I have to read more in English, also

Post 7: Changes to my study programme

   Hello Today I will talk more about my career! As I have already mentioned, I am studying Psychology at the University of Chile, I am in the 2nd year of my career, I started studying in 2020, so I have not been able to have classes in person. Currently the career is 10 semesters, but lasts approximately 5 to 6 years, the curriculum ranges from very general branches on the social sciences to introduce to psychology, in 2nd year onwards know much more psychology career The academic load, especially the readings, every month there are very intense weeks with evaluations, that is something that I would change since it only generates more stress and anxiety in us. About the curriculum, personally I would like to change the organization of elective courses, because I have heard many problems with that, leaving students without the courses they want. As I mentioned, I have not had classes presecial, so I do not know what infrastructure changes could be made, however, I would like it

Post 6: Postgraduate

  Hello again! I'm back after a short break I had, however, that break was to catch up with my studies.  In the future, when I finish my undergraduate degree, I would like to specialize and do a postgraduate course, I am still not sure what course it would be since I don't have much information and there is still a long way to go, if there is still the world hahaha. I am interested in a postgraduate course in psychosocial and community psychology because I really like this area for the children and adolescents  I would love to study abroad, especially in Spain, it is one of my big goals to study and live for a while in that country, for example, in the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid or the University of Barcelona, at least those are the ones I have located for the moment. I would like to study in person there, it would not be the same to study at a distance being in Chile or anywhere else, I feel that I would not learn everything I should, and my motivation would be very low, I

Post 5: My future job

Hello, I am back after a short break. I have been busy with my studies and a bit anxious.  Today I will tell you about the job I would like to have in the future. My ideal job would be working as a psychologist, community or clinical. If it is community I would like to be outdoors, in close contact with people and be in the street. If it is a clinic it would be in an office that has a nice view and is comfortable.  I would like to travel for my work to learn new things about psychology, and I would also like to travel on my vacations, to get to know new places and people that will help me to be a good professional.  The salary depends on the area I work in, at the moment I haven't thought much about it, but I hope it will be a salary that can help me to live.  I am currently studying psychology, I am in my second year, so I have not yet decided on an area, but I am more interested in clinical and community psychology. I like social work since I was a child and I feel a connection w

Post 4: What's like to study__?

  Hello again, I'm back here today to talk about the career I been studying for more than a year now. Well I study Psychology at the University of Chile, I am in my 2nd year this 2021.  Since I was about 14 or 15 years old I started to be interested in this career, without knowing much about what it was about, I only understood the help to people. Over time I was informed that it went much further, I became interested in human behavior, how and why we act in such ways, and where it all comes from. Social work was also one of the things that caught my attention, I always liked the contact with people, I never saw myself in a career that was without contact with people, so this career was the right one. Also since I was 15 years old I started to go to therapy, which made me have a closer contact with the career, because of all the things I have lived, especially the last year of school, in which I had an important loss, which was a push to study psychology. Studying online has been o

Post 3: Mental health problems related to a lockdown

 Hello everyone, I am back to talk about something that affects us, the corona virus. A problem of the population and a problem of mine, is that of generalized anxiety disorder. It has been seen that anxiety has increased much more due to the pandemic, to the point of being a disorder. In my case I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, and for this I help myself with drugs, for example, antidepressants and sleeping pills, but now in pandemic this has not been enough, especially due to classes, homework, evaluations, are extremely stressful.  The pandemic has had a considerable influence on the mental health of the population, at first for some it may have been a break from the routine, but then it has become exhausting and overwhelming, especially for students, since studying in front of a screen without contact is extremely tiring. In addition, poor mental health leads to poor physical health, which causes us to underperform, and also affects our relationships with family and frie

Post 2: The best holidays ever

Hello again!! Well, today I want to tell you about my best holidays ever. So, it was in 2019 on Huaquen located on La Ligua, Valparaiso. OMG I have so many wonderful memories that I will cherish forever and I don't know how to start.  These holidays I stayed with my friends, it was a house of my friend of school but we didn’t have electricity and we slept in a carp. We were in Huaquen 7 days approximately, this place is located 2 hours from Santiago and the outer space of house was so big. The beach it was half an hour of walking, from the house, but one day we made a mistake of direction and walked for 2 hours with sunlight all day. Me and my friends went to the beach and village particularly on undeveloped piece of land It was my best holidays because we said that was like a reality haha for the food, where we don't have fire and nothing were cook and hardly ever had a mobile cellular signal, so had been kept incommunicated. Every night we used to meet in the bonfire and we h